Intestinal Worms

It is a common disease in children. 

● Ring worm
          These worms, which look like tiny pieces of thread, cause severe discomfort, malnutrition, behavioral changes, and sleep deprivation in children. Worm infestation is most common in children between five and fourteen. People who live in unsanitary conditions and consume unhygienic food are prone to this disease. To be precise, worms enter the human body through faeces. It is transmitted to another person through the fecal-oral route ( when the excreta from an infected person mixes with food or water, which, when consumed by a healthy person, the person gets infected)


•One of the main symptoms is itching around the anus. This usually occurs at night. It is because fully-grown females lay their eggs near the anus at night.
• Girls may experience vaginal itching, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

● Roundworm
           Malnutrition and frequent abdominal pain in children are the main symptoms of these ailments. It is seen in children of 1-4 years of age. This is because they play with the soil and consume food materials with these dirty hands. A fully grown female can lay up to 200,000 eggs a day. Dust particles also spread it as it is excreted in feaces, and its eggs remain active in the soil for months.


• Nutritional deficiency
• Mild abdominal pain.
• As these worms steal food from the small intestine and adversely affect nutrient absorption, the child will also lose weight.

 ● Tapeworm
            It is usually found in people who eat meat from infected pigs, buffaloes, and other infected animals and those who eat uncooked vegetables.

• The disease is often recognized when parts of the worm are seen in the stool.
• Malnutrition.
• stomach ache.
• Rarely, if its larvae reach the brain, it can cause a serious condition called cerebral cystic sarcosis.

 ● Hookworm
             Hookworm infestation is also commonly seen in children. Symptoms depend on the severity of the disease and the health status of the child. A healthy child will show no symptoms if the number of hookworms is low. Its main symptom is anemia. It is estimated that they stick to the walls of the small intestine and drink about 0.013-0.2 mg of blood a day. Symptoms of fatigue and anemia are also present. Along with treating worm infestation, the child's general health should be improved. Iron/ Ferrous Sulphate medicines and good nutrition should be given. Some people use kerosene-like liquids to relieve uncomfortable itching. This is dangerous. Lemon juice mixed with coconut oil can be used for foot pain relief. Aloe vera gel can also be used.

Treatment options:

• Wormicide.
• Wormifuge.
• Medicines for digestion (Digestive).

 Food Arrangements:

• Eat well-cooked meat
• Wash and peel vegetables and fruits thoroughly
• Avoid sugary snacks and packet meals
• Drink plenty of water.

Dr Shehnas


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